Title IX Advisory Committee Student Application Title IX Advisory Committee – Application First Name * Last Name * Email * School * Year in School 1. What makes you interested in serving on the Title IX Advisory Committee? 2. What do you think are the most significant concerns that students at Washington University have regarding our Title IX process? 3. What do you think are the greatest challenges Washington University is having in its response to allegations of sexual assault and sexual violence? 4. Please choose one of the following tasks:a. Review the WashU Title IX website and share your observations about ways it could be enhanced to better support students. ORb. Research the Title IX process at other Universities using only public information that is available on the internet. Based on your research, pick one University that you think is doing a good job related to their Title IX process and describe what gives you that impression. * Submit This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Δ