The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, specifically 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v) and 34 CFR 668.43 (c) require disclosures by institutions regarding educational requirements for programs leading to professional licensure or certification regardless of modality. 

Washington University in St. Louis will review and update the licensure information annually. Students should be aware that state licensure requirements are subject to changes. While a program may originally meet the educational requirements for licensure, changes in requirements could impact the program’s ability to meet any new educational requirements. Students should always check with their state licensure board to confirm licensure requirements. 

Information on disclosures by School: 

  1. Arts & Sciences 
  2. Brown School 
  3. Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts
  4. School of Law 
  5. School of Medicine

Student Location:  

For purposes of this policy, the currently enrolled student location determined at the time of initial enrollment is defined as the State where the enrolled student is located on the first day of class of their degree program and is based on the “Home” address entered into the student system on that date. This applies to all students (i.e., undergraduate, graduate, and professional) and programs.

  • For a newly-admitted prospective student, this is the State of the prospective student’s location at the time the student applies for admission.
  • For students whose permanent address does not include a U.S. State or territory (e.g., students living outside the United States), their location will be considered the State of Missouri.

Licensing and authorization requirements can vary by state therefore any relocation by prospective and current students can impact their ability to continue the course, meet the eligibility requirements of that state, and/or receive financial aid funding. Any student considering relocation should contact their program to check for authorization and licensure eligibility requirements.