Provided here is a step-by-step explanation of the academic integrity conduct process to help clarify what the student should expect

  1. When a faculty, student, or staff member becomes aware of a potential academic integrity violation, they should file a report with Academic Integrity in the Office of the Provost within five business days. 
  2. The report is reviewed by an Academic Integrity Coordinator (AIC), and it is determined if there is enough information to move forward.  Upon review, the AIC will assign the complaint a preliminary violation level and will communicate this assignment to both parties. The student is notified of the violation and proposed consequences via their university email account.
  3. The student responds to the allegations by choosing one of the following options:
    • Requests to participate in a facilitated conversation with the faculty member and Academic Integrity Coordinator. This conversation would provide the reporting party with the opportunity to explain why the student’s actions led to an allegation of academic misconduct and the student the chance to provide context for their actions in a more informal environment than that of a hearing.
    • Accepts responsibility for the violation and agrees to the proposed consequences. If the student chooses to accept the decision, the process ends here. Non-responsive to the decision email will be considered as acceptance of the decision.
    • Requests a panel hearing with members of the Academic Integrity Board (2 faculty members and 1 student member)
  4. The Academic Integrity Board hearing:
    • The Board will convene to determine the student’s responsibility and consequences.
    • The student will present their case and the faculty member will present the alleged academic integrity violation.
    • The sanction assigned by the Board may be more, the same, or less severe than that originally assigned by the Academic Integrity Coordinator.
  5. Appeal Process
    • Appeals to the Student Conduct Board Chair may occur in the event that the respondent believes that the process was not conducted fairly.  Appeals to the Vice Provost may occur in the event that the respondent considers the outcome of suspension or expulsion to be excessive.  Appeals must be submitted in writing within 14 calendar days to
    • The action of the Student Conduct Board Chair shall be final. 
    • The action of the Vice Provost shall be final unless it is to remand the matter for further proceedings.