University Assessment Committee is charged to support academic and co-curricular units in the assessment of student learning by (a) developing shared expectations, processes, and procedures in consultation and collaboration with the units involved and (b) providing constructive feedback to those units and their leadership to help assessment processes better support decisions affecting the quality of the students’ educational experience.
This involves:
- Implementing the university’s policy requiring assessment in in all curricular programs that result in a degree or certificate and in those co-curricular programs that complement curricular learning outcomes.
- Defining and maintaining minimum university standards for the necessary components of assessment practice,
- Establishing the scope of assessment expectations (i.e., which co-curricular programs or activities must participate)
- Collecting and provide constructive feedback on unit level assessment reports
- Reporting to the Provost and the Deans on the state of assessment, with particular attention to the utilization of assessment in unit-level planning and budgeting
- Supporting units in establishing or improving assessment practices by:
- Building a robust repository of best practices, models, and templates for institutional use
- Providing individual consultations with units as needed
- Curating programmatic learning goals and connecting programs with similar learning goals towards streamlining assessment
Jennifer Smith (co-chair)
Vice Provost for Educational Initiatives
Office of the Provost
Professor of Earth & Planetary Sciences
Arts & Sciences
Heidi Kolk (co-chair)
Assistant Vice Provost for Assessment
Office of the Provost
Assistant Professor, School of Art
Sam Fox School
Eva Aagard
Vice Chancellor Medical Education
School of Medicine
Joe Barcroft
Professor of Spanish & Applied Linguistics
Arts & Sciences
Kate Bloomquist
Senior Lecturer in College Writing Program
Arts & Sciences
Tim Bono
Assistant Dean
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Jeremy Buhler
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering
McKelvey School of Engineering
Kilinyaa Cothran
Vice Dean, Director of Healthcare Programs
School of Continuing & Professional Studies
Michelle DeLaire
Director of Curricular Innovation
College of Arts & Sciences
Carolyn Dufault
Associate Professor of Medicine
School of Medicine
Lisa Gilbert
Lecturer in Education
Arts & Sciences
Jenine Harris
Brown School
Lisa Kuehne
Assistant Director of Graduate and Postdoc Programs
Center for Teaching and Learning
Peter Monahan
Director, College Writing Program
Arts & Sciences
Rick Moore
Assistant Director of Assessment & Evaluation
Center for Teaching and Learning
Shannon Reid
Strategic Initiatives Analyst
Olin Business School
Matthew Shipe
Co-Director of Advanced Writing, Department of English
Arts & Sciences
Constance Vale
Associate Professor in the College of Architecture
Sam Fox School
Elise Walck-Shannon
Senior Lecturer in Biology
Arts & Sciences
Elizabeth Walsh
Associate Dean of Student Life
and Dean of Students and Lecturer
School of Law
Cheryl Wassenaar
Associate Professor of Art
Sam Fox School
Alessandra York
Evaluation/Assessment Specialist
Office of the Provost