- Vijay Ramani, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and International Affairs, co-chair
- Jessica Cissell, Assistant Provost, Graduate Education and International Community, co-chair
- Kendall Burks, MD/PhD student
- Tyler Cargill, PhD student, Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering
- Paola Cepeda, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Postdoctoral Affairs
- Kirk Dougher, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Support and Wellness
- Deborah Jaegers, Program Coordinator, Office of the Provost
- Jessica Kennedy, Director and Title IX Coordinator, Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance Office
- Stephanie Kirk, Director of the Center for the Humanities; Professor of Spanish, Comparative Literature, and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Arts & Sciences
- Douglas Dowd, Professor of Design & American Culture Studies, Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts
- Mark Leary, Co-vice Dean of Faculty and Research, Professor of Finance, Olin Business School
- Steve Mennerick, Associate Dean for Graduate Education, DBBS; Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Feighner Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology
- Peggie R. Smith, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs School of Law, Charles F. Nagel Professor of Employment and Labor Law; Faculty Ombuds (Danforth Campus)
- Leanne Stewart, Executive Director, Employee Relations, Human Resources
- Melissa Jonson-Reid, Associate Dean for Educational Programs, Ralph and Muriel Pumphrey Professor of Social Work, Brown School
ex officio
- Deanna Wendler Modde, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Associate General Counsel