If a student is found responsible for an academic integrity violation, they will receive a grade penalty and one or more sanctions. 

Grade Penalty Recommendation
The Academic Integrity Coordinator and/or the AI Board may recommend a grade penalty that corresponds with the level of infraction; a level one violation may result in a lowered grade on the assignment, a level two violation may result in a failing grade on the assignment, a level three violation may result in a lowered grade or failing grade in the class. The course faculty will determine grade penalties for the assignment and/or the course. 


  • Educational Remedy: In addition to potential grade penalties, students responsible for an academic integrity violation will participate in an educational remedy to strengthen their understanding of academic integrity, identify the circumstances which led to their violation, and develop behaviors that will reduce the likelihood of future violations.  The educational remedy will not negate or replace a grade penalty, which recognizes the coursework that was not authentically completed by the student.  
  • University Warning: A warning is a written notice of a Code violation finding and that a continuation or repetition of violations under the Code will result in more severe Sanctions.
  • University Suspension: Suspension is the removal from student status in the University for a specified period of time. This sanction will be permanently noted in a student’s University record and on a student’s official transcript. 
  • University Expulsion: Expulsion is the permanent removal from student status in the University. This sanction will be permanently noted in a student’s University record and on a student’s official transcript.