This page provides an overview of major surveys conducted recently at WashU. The last panel of this page offers advice to those who may be considering collecting data using a survey.

Alumni Survey

Population surveyed: Alumni of WashU’s undergraduate programs, usually those one, five, and ten years out.
When conducted: About every four years; most recently in 2017 and 2013.
History and context: Conducted in collaboration with peer universities.
Survey instruments: 
Alumni Survey Instrument, Recent Graduates, 2017 
Alumni Survey Instrument, 5 & 10 year, 2017 
Alumni Survey Instrument, Recent Graduates, 2013 
Alumni Survey Instrument, 5 & 10 year, 2013      

For more information: contact Lisa Wiland, Director of Institutional Research,

Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Sexual Misconduct

Population surveyed: Undergraduate and graduate students.
When conducted: In spring of 2015 and the spring of 2019; next planned for spring 2024.
Survey instruments:  
The 2015 survey instrument is here.
The 2019 survey instrument is here.
Information about climate surveys at Washington University. This page includes links to the survey efforts in 2015 and 2019.
The AAU page describing the 2019 survey is here.
The AAU page describing the 2015 survey is here.

For more information: contact Lisa Wiland, Director of Institutional Research,

College Prescription Drug Study

Population surveyed: Undergraduate students
When conducted: Spring, 2018
Survey instrument: The Prescription Drug Study 2018

For more information: contact Amanda Hoylman, Assistant Director, Health Promotion Services, Habif Health & Wellness Center,

Diversity Engagement Survey

Population surveyed: Faculty and staff on both campuses; school of medicine students, residents, fellows, and postdoctoral associates on the Medical Campus.
When conducted: In 2014 and 2017.

For more information: contact Apryle Gladne, Asst Vice Chancellor HR Recruitment & Employee Relations,

Doctoral Exit Survey

Population surveyed: Graduating doctoral students.
When conducted: January, May, and December.
Survey instrument: Doctoral Exit Survey Instrument

For more information: contact Lisa Wiland, Director of Institutional Research,

ECAR (EDUCAUSE Center for Analysis and Research) Study of Undergraduates and Technology

Population surveyed: Undergraduate students.
When conducted: In 2016.

Faculty Work Life Survey

Population surveyed: Full time faculty, and Medical campus faculty with voting rights.
When conducted: About every four years, most recently in 2019, 2015, and 2011.
Results & survey instruments: 
Washington University Faculty Work Life Survey main landing page
2019-20 Faculty Work Life Survey
2015 Faculty Work Life Survey
2011 Faculty Work Life Survey

For more information: contact Lisa Wiland, Director of Institutional Research,

Missouri Assessment of College Health Behaviors


Population surveyed: Undergraduate and graduate students.
When conducted: 2014.
For more information: contact the Center for Diversity & Inclusion,


Population surveyed: Undergraduate students.
When conducted: Spring of odd-numbered years.
History and context: Conducted in collaboration with peer universities.
Survey instruments:
PULSE Survey Instrument, 2021
PULSE Survey Instrument, 2019
PULSE Survey Instrument, 2017
PULSE Survey Instrument, 2015
PULSE Survey Instrument, 2013

For more information: contact Lisa Wiland, Director of Institutional Research,

IT Service Quality TechQual+ Survey

Population surveyed: Faculty, students, and staff.
When conducted: Alternate years: spring 2018, spring 2016.
Results: TechQual+ Biennial Survey 2018 landing page is here.
TechQual+ Biennial Survey 2016 landing page is here.
Comment analysis from the 2016 administration of this survey are here.
For more information: Washington University Information Technology Customer Relation Management Team,

National College Health Assessment (NCHA)

Population surveyed: Undergraduate and graduate students.
When conducted: In 2020, 2017, and in 2013.
Results: Highlights for 2017 wave are here.
For more information: Cheri LeBlanc, Executive Director of Habif Health & Wellness Center,

Parent Survey

Population surveyed: Parents of enrolled undergraduates.
When conducted: About every four years, most recently in 2016 and 2012.
History and context: Conducted in collaboration with highly selective peer institutions.
Survey instruments: 
Parent Survey Instrument 2016
Parent Survey Instrument 2012.

For more information: contact Lisa Wiland, Director of Institutional Research,

Residential Life Survey

Population surveyed: Undergraduates living in on-campus housing.
When conducted: Annually in the fall.
For more information: Rob Wild, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs,

Senior Survey

Population surveyed: Graduating seniors.
When conducted: Spring of even-numbered years.
History and context: Conducted in collaboration with highly selective peer institutions.
Survey instruments: 
Senior Survey Instrument 2022,
(the Senior Survey was not conducted in 2020, due to COVID),
Senior Survey Instrument 2018,
Senior Survey Instrument 2016
Senior Survey Instrument 2014
Senior Survey Instrument 2012

For more information: contact Lisa Wiland, Director of Institutional Research,

Student Technology Survey

Population surveyed: Undergraduates in on-campus housing.
When conducted: Annually in the spring.
For more information: Contact Sherry Holmes, Director, Student Technology Services,

Your Survey Here

Are you considering fielding a survey?
Institutional Research may be able to offer advice to get you on the right track. 
For more information: contact Lisa Wiland, Director of Institutional Research,