The Student Academic Success committee, convened by the vice provost for educational initiatives, consists of leadership from undergraduate academic affairs and key Student Affairs units and is charged with facilitating a holistic approach to supporting undergraduate students’ success in their academic endeavors. The group meets monthly during the academic year. Ad hoc subcommittees may be formed to advance priority projects. 

This group: 

  • Routinely reviews graduation and retention rate trends, both for the student body as a whole and for particular demographic groups (e.g., first-generation limited-income). 
  • Proposes new programs, program modifications, or policies to improve graduation and retention rates to meet institutional targets, both overall and for key populations. 
  • Surfaces emerging trends or concerns related to student success 
  • Identifies opportunities for more effective communication and coordination across units to promote student success 

Student Academic Success Committee (SASC)

Roster AY24-25

Jennifer Alanis, executive director, Taylor Family Center for Student Success | Student Affairs – Diversity & Inclusion

Tim Bono, associate dean, Assessment & Analytics | Student Affairs

Shawn Brodie, associate director of Academic Advising and Student Affairs | Olin Business School

Mike Cahill, senior data analyst | Office of the Provost – Institutional Effectiveness

Phillip Campbell, senior assistant dean, Student Progress & Academic Services | College of Arts & Sciences – Student Academic Affairs

Andrew Collings, director, Learning Center | Center for Teaching and Learning

Jessica Dyer, director, WashU Cares | Student Affairs – Student Support & Wellness

Joseph Fitzpatrick, associate dean of students | Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts

Monica Fleisher, senior analyst, Admissions & Aid | Undergraduate Admissions / Financial Services

Lisa Gillis-Davis, senior assistant dean for Engineering Undergraduate Student Services | McKelvey School of Engineering

Phyllis Jackson, associate dean & director of the Office of Scholar Programs | Student Affairs – Student Transition & Engagement

Grace James, assistant vice provost & director of admissions | Admissions & Financial Aid

Mark Kamimura-Jiménez, associate vice chancellor for Student Affairs | Student Affairs

Chris Kroeger, associate dean, Engineering / Applied Sciences | McKelvey School of Engineering

Paige LaRose, senior associate dean of Undergraduate Programs | Olin Business School

Andrea Melrose, senior academic integrity coordinator | Office of the Provost – Institutional Development

Robert Pampel, director of Student Academic Affairs & associate dean | College of Arts & Sciences

Rob Patterson, director, Writing Center

Chris Peacock, deputy director of Athletics | Student Affairs – Athletics & Recreation

Katherine Pei, director, Student Transitions & Family Programs | Student Affairs – Housing & Orientation

Evelyn Real, director, Office of International Student Engagement | Student Affairs – Center for Diversity & Inclusion          

Jen Smith (Chair), vice provost for educational initiatives | Office of the Provost; professor of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, College of Arts & Sciences

Mathew Sullivan, assistant director, Disability Resources | Student Affairs – Disability Resources

Ali York, evaluation / assessment specialist | Office of the Provost – Institutional Effectiveness